What You Can Do to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Study Permit?

Canada is one of the most popular destinations for international students. The country welcomes a record number of students every year. However, the numbers also consist of those who fail to receive study permits and face application refusals. In the blog, we will learn everything about study permits, eligibility, the reasons for application refusals, and more.

Eligibility Requirements

For international students to receive study permits, they must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  • Have been studying at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI);
  • Is a law-abiding citizen, with no criminal record, and not a risk to the security of Canada;
  • A police clearance certificate(s) may be required, if needed;
  • A medical exam if needed.

A Review By An Immigration Officer

To be successful, an applicant must give immigration officers as much assurance as possible that they can satisfy the terms of their stay as a student. Besides ineligibility, there are two prime themes related to refusals of applications:

  • Between 2019 and 2021, 77% of study permit refusals were due to IRCC not being satisfied that the purpose of the applicant’s visit was to study.
  • 26% of refusals of study permit applications were due to IRCC not being satisfied that applicants would leave Canada based on their personal assets and financial status.

However, applicants will likely have a better chance of approval if they prove or mention on their applications certain things;

  • A clear, logical continuance in studies
  • Proof of finances through valid documentation;
  • Must meet the English/French requirements for immigration;
  • Justify any long gaps in their studies in their application;
  • Make evident their intent to leave Canada after the duration of their studies;
  • Ensuring they complete a dual intent application if they have applied for permanent residence (PR) at the same time.

What If Your Application Has Been Refused?

Even after receiving a study permit refusal, applicants can still pursue studies in Canada and even increase their chances of acceptance by reapplying.

  • In light of the reasons for their refusal, applicants can adjust their applications accordingly. Thus, applicants can re-apply as soon as they are ready.
  • Applicants may also request a review of their decision by the Federal Court of Canada if they suspect that they have been denied wrongly.

Austin Campbell

Austin has been quite active in the immigration arena since 2010. He has authored over 250 immigration publications, given over 70 presentations, and organized numerous events featuring federal and provincial immigration ministers and leaders from other sectors. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto and Durham University.
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