Language Requirements for Immigration to Canada: CELPIP vs. IELTS

Canada has a reputation for being approachable to immigrants, and they can get to live and work anywhere in the country if they learn English or French. The only language requirement is that Canadian immigration applicants successfully assimilate into Canadian society to live their American dream.

The government has benchmarked a Canadian immigration system where any immigrant will be evaluated on language to prove their language ability in Canada. Those immigrating to Canada must take the CELPIP or IELTS test.

Canadian Language Benchmark

No wonder, the language requirements for immigration include a test performance that decides your ability in terms of ranking decided by any system. Hence, the Canadian Language Benchmark is a type of ranking indicator that measures your potential in Canadian languages. How well you have performed in the Canadian languages test is measured on a scale of 10. Achieving one on the scale refers to a poor performance score and while 10 on the scale is a sign of fluency in the language.

How CELPIP and IELTS are Different from Each other

Two major tests are used in psychology – they study the mind and measure mental processes. Any CELPIP or IELTS score is accepted by the Canadian government.

The OPI and TOEFL test contains four sections, categorized by skill. The OPI tests a person’s ability to be effective both in professional and social conditions, and the TOEFL test also focuses on language skills. Both take about three hours each.

Both tests have two different types of sections. One is used for Canadian citizenship, and the other is accepted by the government. Once a test for Canadian immigration is completed, it will be accepted for two years from the day you get your results. 

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

The IELTS is considered one of the most accurate English language tests and is often the choice of language testing standard. It can assess speaking, writing, and reading fluency in English, and the test is usually taken in person at a test center for Canadian immigration purposes.

Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP)

The CELPIP English test costs $280 with taxes and is an entirely online assessment. It tests the same skills as the IELTS test and is a fraction of the cost.

IELTS and CELPIP are both English tests, but you can take a test in general and a more extended test. The length of the CELPIP English assessment is three hours, and the time per section is pre-set.

Austin Campbell

Austin has been quite active in the immigration arena since 2010. He has authored over 250 immigration publications, given over 70 presentations, and organized numerous events featuring federal and provincial immigration ministers and leaders from other sectors. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto and Durham University.
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