What are the chances for caregivers to apply for Canadian PR?
What are the chances for caregivers to apply for Canadian PR?
Need help about caregivers programs in canada.
I think the program is closed for now.
Certainly, caregivers can apply for Canada PR. There are two Federal Government Programs for Caregivers: Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot, if you stand eligible and fulfill the criteria then you can apply. You can also apply for various Provincial Nomination Programs if you’re eligible for the Provinces.
Caregivers who’re interested in immigrating to Canada have two options. These two programs The Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker pilots for caregivers are accepting applications. Foreign caregivers coming to work in Canada will have a more straightforward pathway to Canadian PR. The pilot programs opened for applications and replaced the expiring Caring for Children and Caring for People with High Medical Needs pilots, which have been criticized for keeping some workers stuck in abusive workplaces and apart from their families abroad.